
05 Juni, 2012

Warning!! Google doc can steal your data

----- Google Doc Introducing
Google Docs (now known as Google Drive) is a free,Web-based office suite and data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users. Google Docs combines the features of Writely and Spreadsheets with a presentation program incorporating technology designed by Tonic Systems. Data storage of files up to 1 GB total in size was introduced on January 13, 2010, but has since been increased to 10 GB, documents using Google Docs native formats do not count towards this quota.[3] The largely anticipated cloud storage feature by Google is said to be replacing most of Docs' features in 2012.[4] This extension or replacement of Google Docs called Google Drive was opened to the public on April 24, 2012.[1]

As we read above, google doc greatly help us in the form of data storage spread sheets, presentations, brochures, and so forth.

Which is where we need to remember is that we can access google doc, we must have an account with google of course. this is what hackers use to control the user name and password email us following footage spam

The message reads:

Confirm your e-mail account please enter your Mailbox Details by clicking the link below:
Failure to provide details correctly will result to immediate closure of your mailbox account from our database.

As you can see, the link points to a page on Google Docs ( That gives the link a false aura of legitimacy. But what the link can't do is tell you whether the Google account holder is legitimate or up to no good.

In this case, as you'll see if you click on the link, it's clearly an attempt to phish information from internet users.

As the screenshot below shows, the page falsely claims that your email account will be shut down in three days and the only way it claims you can resolve the situation is by entering your username and password.

Before you know it, your email account will be compromised. And if that username/password combination is being used elsewhere on the web or if - as is the case with Google - your details unlock a variety of services, then the security breach is compounded.

Here is another example of phishing via Google Docs that I encountered today. Again, it arrives in the form of a spam email.

The email reads as follows:

Subject: MAIL QUOTA 89.99%(VALIDATE)

Helpdesk requires you to validate your webmail.
Due to our upgrade, Protecting your webmail account is our primary concern, revalidate your e-mail by clicking [LINK] help desk.

If you do make the mistake of clicking on the link then you are taken once again to a page hosted on Google Docs (don't be fooled by the different colour scheme).

Don't forget, at the bottom of each Google Docs form there is a link where you can report abuse, such as phishing or offensive content.Clicking the link should take you to a screen like this, where you can anonymously explain what your issue is with the page.

ref :
Wikipedia [1] [2]

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