Apabila kita mengetikkan command ls maka yang muncul seperti ini
Sedangkan jika saya mengetikkan hal yang sama maka yang muncul adalah
Nah lho kok mirip console/terminalnya linux ya ??? :D, Disini letak uniknya. Let try something else.
bedakan dengan kita menjalankan di windows power shell
Ini tabel dari perbedaan dan persamaan antara unix shell dengan windows power shell, serta perbedaan windows power shell dengan command.com
PowerShell (Cmdlet) | PowerShell (Alias) | CMD.EXE / COMMAND.COM | Unix shell | Description |
Get-ChildItem | gci, dir, ls | dir | ls | List all files / directories in the (current) directory |
Get-Content | gc, type, cat | type | cat | Get the content of a file |
Get-Command | gcm | help | help, which | List available commands |
Get-Help | help, man | help | man | Help on commands |
Clear-Host | cls, clear | cls | clear | Clear the screen[Note 1] |
Copy-Item | cpi, copy, cp | copy | cp | Copy one or several files / a whole directory tree |
Move-Item | mi, move, mv | move | mv | Move a file / a directory to a new location |
Remove-Item | ri, del, erase, rmdir, rd, rm | del, erase, rmdir, rd | rm, rmdir | Delete a file / a directory |
Rename-Item | rni, ren, mv | ren, rename | mv | Rename a file / a directory |
Get-Location | gl, pwd | cd | pwd | Display the current directory/present working directory. |
Pop-Location | popd | popd | popd | Change the current directory to the directory most recently pushed onto the stack |
Push-Location | pushd | pushd | pushd | Push the current directory onto the stack |
Set-Location | sl, cd, chdir | cd, chdir | cd | Change the current directory |
Tee-Object | tee | n/a | tee | Pipe input to a file or variable, then pass the input along the pipeline |
Write-Output | echo, write | echo | echo | Print strings, variables etc. to standard output |
Get-Process | gps, ps | tlist, tasklist | ps | List all currently running processes |
Stop-Process | spps, kill | taskkill | kill | Stop a running process |
Select-String | sls | find, findstr | grep | Print lines matching a pattern |
Set-Variable | sv, set | set | env, export, set, setenv | Set the value of a variable / create a variable |
Oke sekian dulu ya, nanti di sambung lagi. :p