
07 Juli, 2013

Mengenal Windows Power Shell

Wah sudah lama sekali gak nulis-nulis. Kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan yang namanya windows power shell. Sekilas aplikasi ini mirip sekali dengan command prompt nya windows. Cuma disini yang agak unik. Mari kita lihat.

Apabila kita mengetikkan command ls maka yang muncul seperti ini


Sedangkan jika saya mengetikkan hal yang sama maka yang muncul adalah 


 Nah lho kok mirip console/terminalnya linux ya ??? :D, Disini letak uniknya. Let try something else.


bedakan dengan kita menjalankan di windows power shell 


Ini tabel dari perbedaan dan persamaan antara unix shell dengan windows power shell, serta perbedaan windows power shell dengan

PowerShell (Cmdlet) PowerShell (Alias) CMD.EXE / COMMAND.COM Unix shell Description
Get-ChildItem gci, dir, ls dir ls List all files / directories in the (current) directory
Get-Content gc, type, cat type cat Get the content of a file
Get-Command gcm help help, which List available commands
Get-Help help, man help man Help on commands
Clear-Host cls, clear cls clear Clear the screen[Note 1]
Copy-Item cpi, copy, cp copy cp Copy one or several files / a whole directory tree
Move-Item mi, move, mv move mv Move a file / a directory to a new location
Remove-Item ri, del, erase, rmdir, rd, rm del, erase, rmdir, rd rm, rmdir Delete a file / a directory
Rename-Item rni, ren, mv ren, rename mv Rename a file / a directory
Get-Location gl, pwd cd pwd Display the current directory/present working directory.
Pop-Location popd popd popd Change the current directory to the directory most recently pushed onto the stack
Push-Location pushd pushd pushd Push the current directory onto the stack
Set-Location sl, cd, chdir cd, chdir cd Change the current directory
Tee-Object tee n/a tee Pipe input to a file or variable, then pass the input along the pipeline
Write-Output echo, write echo echo Print strings, variables etc. to standard output
Get-Process gps, ps tlist, tasklist ps List all currently running processes
Stop-Process spps, kill taskkill kill Stop a running process
Select-String sls find, findstr grep Print lines matching a pattern
Set-Variable sv, set set env, export, set, setenv Set the value of a variable / create a variable

Oke  sekian dulu ya, nanti di sambung lagi. :p


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