
23 Mei, 2012

Nasa have been attacked again

A long time ago nasa space agency came under attack from hackers. This time, NASA is also under attack from hackers who call 'Cyber ​​Warriors Team' a bunch of hackers from iran.

Hacker hacking of NASA SSL Digital Certificate, an online post That's it compromised SSL certificate belonging to NASA and subsequently accessed information on Thousands of NASA Researchers. A space agency representative Revealed That they're currently Investigating the incident. The group said the certificate was compromised by exploiting an existing vulnerability within the portal's login system, but They did not outline the[1]

Ref: THN

22 Mei, 2012

Unique in Windows

Alo para netter, ada yang unique di dalam windows, saya sendiri tidak tahu apa karena saya dapat info dari twitter saya. Artikel aslinya ada disini-->[1]. Mungkin ini bisa disebut tools atau celah atau apalah sebutan yang kalian mau. Tapi yang jelas ini bisa kita manfaatkan.

Oke lets check this out :

Sebelumnya buka dulu "cmd". Tentunya anda semua sudah tahu cara buka cmd kaaan ?? :P. Setelah itu ketikkan ini di cmd = tasklist. maka akan muncul seperti ini :


Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ====== ================ ======== ============
System Idle Process 0 Console 0 16 K
System 4 Console 0 36 K
smss.exe 556 Console 0 44 K
csrss.exe 612 Console 0 1,752 K
winlogon.exe 640 Console 0 4,584 K
services.exe 684 Console 0 1,692 K
lsass.exe 696 Console 0 1,340 K
svchost.exe 848 Console 0 1,524 K
svchost.exe 904 Console 0 1,304 K
svchost.exe 968 Console 0 11,916 K
aips.exe 1004 Console 0 296 K
svchost.exe 1132 Console 0 1,236 K
svchost.exe 1196 Console 0 2,976 K
explorer.exe 1368 Console 0 15,612 K
spoolsv.exe 1456 Console 0 5,820 K
igfxtray.exe 1604 Console 0 280 K
hkcmd.exe 1612 Console 0 300 K
igfxpers.exe 1620 Console 0 268 K
jusched.exe 1632 Console 0 36 K
egui.exe 1644 Console 0 3,864 K
daemon.exe 1652 Console 0 296 K
ctfmon.exe 1736 Console 0 728 K
ToolwizCares.exe 1780 Console 0 3,028 K
IDMan.exe 1820 Console 0 1,392 K
USB Disk Security.exe 1972 Console 0 2,000 K
AdskScSrv.exe 2008 Console 0 256 K
mscorsvw.exe 2032 Console 0 1,196 K
ekrn.exe 260 Console 0 31,976 K
E_S40ST7.EXE 264 Console 0 36 K
E_S40RP7.EXE 300 Console 0 44 K
jqs.exe 328 Console 0 1,392 K
raysat_3dsmax9_32server.e 512 Console 0 40 K
NHOSTSVC.EXE 524 Console 0 32 K
PsiService_2.exe 188 Console 0 40 K
svchost.exe 824 Console 0 36 K
netcut.exe 1320 Console 0 6,388 K
IEMonitor.exe 2568 Console 0 396 K
svchost.exe 2628 Console 0 176 K
Adobe Photoshop CS3.exe 2352 Console 0 212 K
Photoshop.exe 796 Console 0 12,052 K
firefox.exe 2456 Console 0 238,224 K
plugin-container.exe 2140 Console 0 82,812 K
DnsJumper.exe 3300 Console 0 1,364 K
cmd.exe 4036 Console 0 804 K
tasklist.exe 3324 Console 0 4,144 K
wmiprvse.exe 740 Console 0 5,308 K

Sekarang ingat apabila kita mengetikkan echo maka munculnya echo on, tapi kalo kita ketikkan echo >> test.txt, Maka yang terjadi adalah membentuk sebuah file notepad yang nama nya test.txt. Nah skrg hal ini yang akan kita coba ke tasklist. Ketikkan tasklist >> Im_here.txt, maka yang terjadi adalah :

C:\>tasklist >> Im_here.txt

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D406-A40E

Directory of C:\

05/30/2012 11:24 AM 3,506 echo.txt
05/30/2012 11:29 AM 35 hore.txt
05/30/2012 11:53 AM 3,506 Im_here.txt <----- ini file nya

13 File(s) 16,468,981 bytes
8 Dir(s) 4,539,170,816 bytes free

Ternyata sama dengan kita menggunakan echo >> file.txt

Silahkan anda bisa coba perintah lain seperti netstat, net, reg, ... etc

Jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba, justru takutlah jika tidak pernah mencoba ... :P, Silahkan explorasi windows anda.

Ref :

Arsip Blog