
30 Oktober, 2010

Alternatif buka Taskmgr

Segala process yang berjalan di dalam windows kita bisa kontrol dengan sebuah aplikasi service yang sering disebut Taskmanager. Kita bisa mematikan process yang sedang berjalan di dalam windows dengan service ini.

Yang jadi permasalahan gimana kalo service ini terkunci. Weeks ya di bukalah... hehehe ... cara nya cari disini. Kalo gak kita pake service DOS. Mungkin agak aneh kedengaran apa bisa.... yups bener bisa brotha.

Saya tidak sengaja menemukan cara ini. coba anda ketikkan ini di cmd tasklist /? . Bila berhasil akan tempil seperti ini.

C:\>tasklist /?

TASKLIST [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]
[/M [module] | /SVC | /V] [/FI filter] [/FO format] [/NH]

This command line tool displays a list of application(s) and
associated task(s)/process(es) currently running on either a local or
remote system.

Parameter List:
/S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.

/U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which
the command should execute.

/P [password] Specifies the password for the given
user context. Prompts for input if omitted.

/M [module] Lists all tasks that have DLL modules loaded
in them that match the given pattern name.
If the module name is not specified,
displays all modules loaded by each task.

/SVC Displays services in each process.

/V Specifies that the verbose information
is to be displayed.

/FI filter Displays a set of tasks that match a
given criteria specified by the filter.

/FO format Specifies the output format.
Valid values: "TABLE", "LIST", "CSV".

/NH Specifies that the "Column Header" should
not be displayed in the output.
Valid only for "TABLE" and "CSV" formats.

/? Displays this help/usage.

Filter Name Valid Operators Valid Value(s)
----------- --------------- --------------
IMAGENAME eq, ne Image name
PID eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le PID value
SESSION eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Session number
SESSIONNAME eq, ne Session name
CPUTIME eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le CPU time in the format
of hh:mm:ss.
hh - hours,
mm - minutes, ss - seconds
MEMUSAGE eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Memory usage in KB
USERNAME eq, ne User name in [domain\]user
SERVICES eq, ne Service name
WINDOWTITLE eq, ne Window title
MODULES eq, ne DLL name

TASKLIST /S system /U domain\username /FO CSV /NH
TASKLIST /S system /U username /P password /FO TABLE /NH

Nah sekarang kita coba ketik tasklist saja, bila berhasil maka akan seperti ini.


Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ====== ================ ======== ============
System Idle Process 0 Console 0 28 K
System 4 Console 0 240 K
smss.exe 804 Console 0 416 K
csrss.exe 868 Console 0 3,444 K
winlogon.exe 940 Console 0 5,560 K
services.exe 984 Console 0 3,584 K
lsass.exe 996 Console 0 6,628 K
ati2evxx.exe 1168 Console 0 3,668 K
svchost.exe 1188 Console 0 5,516 K
svchost.exe 1256 Console 0 4,072 K
MsMpEng.exe 1304 Console 0 67,028 K
svchost.exe 1348 Console 0 28,532 K
svchost.exe 1392 Console 0 3,368 K
svchost.exe 1496 Console 0 4,456 K
ati2evxx.exe 1628 Console 0 4,444 K
svchost.exe 1664 Console 0 6,988 K
spoolsv.exe 1808 Console 0 15,804 K
stacsv.exe 1852 Console 0 4,164 K
explorer.exe 180 Console 0 22,152 K
svchost.exe 1556 Console 0 3,764 K
svchost.exe 1940 Console 0 7,380 K
jqs.exe 1968 Console 0 2,160 K
NBService.exe 424 Console 0 6,752 K
svchost.exe 632 Console 0 2,960 K
PicaSVNC.exe 656 Console 0 3,308 K
svchost.exe 672 Console 0 3,056 K
queryexplorer117.exe 696 Console 0 6,272 K
QuickPDFTCP0719.exe 528 Console 0 3,736 K
svchost.exe 848 Console 0 4,396 K
winvnc4.exe 904 Console 0 3,780 K
alg.exe 2340 Console 0 3,584 K
wscntfy.exe 2516 Console 0 2,324 K
queryexplorer.exe 2740 Console 0 4,316 K
sttray.exe 3052 Console 0 11,344 K
msseces.exe 3072 Console 0 10,296 K
MOM.exe 3080 Console 0 5,992 K
hpwuSchd2.exe 3124 Console 0 2,384 K
GrooveMonitor.exe 3132 Console 0 6,340 K
PWRISOVM.EXE 3140 Console 0 2,668 K
jusched.exe 3160 Console 0 2,836 K
realsched.exe 3184 Console 0 664 K
ctfmon.exe 3272 Console 0 4,276 K
hackmon.exe 3340 Console 0 6,056 K
hpqtra08.exe 3472 Console 0 16,500 K
ONENOTEM.EXE 3492 Console 0 412 K
CCC.exe 3580 Console 0 6,680 K
hpqste08.exe 3908 Console 0 10,296 K
hpqbam08.exe 3956 Console 0 4,860 K
hpqgpc01.exe 4048 Console 0 9,084 K
PicaManager.exe 216 Console 0 60,620 K
epManager.exe 1476 Console 0 43,036 K
winamp.exe 1404 Console 0 26,940 K
firefox.exe 1892 Console 0 257,676 K
plugin-container.exe 1860 Console 0 123,572 K
notepad.exe 2644 Console 0 1,552 K
notepad.exe 2108 Console 0 584 K
PicaUtil.exe 4568 Console 0 9,432 K
notepad.exe 2952 Console 0 560 K
cmd.exe 9300 Console 0 980 K
YouTubeDownloader.exe 8732 Console 0 19,632 K
WinSinffer.exe 7180 Console 0 15,160 K
notepad.exe 9760 Console 0 5,924 K
tasklist.exe 9728 Console 0 4,856 K
wmiprvse.exe 6180 Console 0 5,848 K

bandingkan dengan yang diatas.


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