
06 Desember, 2012

Basic Flash 8 ( Animasi sederhana )

 Hello netter, apa kabar semua, kali ini saya akan membagikan animasi buatan saya dengan menggunakan flash 8 ( maaf hanya program ini yang saya punya ).


Masih cupu banget ...

03 Desember, 2012

Grafity Games ( Serial Tutorial Game Maker )

Grafity Games
Created by Thomas M aka gearboxxx
Catch me on faceboook Abi Na Azkia

1.Buatlah dua buah sprite. Sprite pertama dalam bentuk Bola beri nama spr_bola dengan ukuran 32x32 pixel . Sprite kedua dalam bentuk balok beri nama spr_block dengan ukuran 16x16 pixel.
2.Buat object nya.
3.Buat event dan action masing-masing

Nama Object Event Action
• Spr_bola
•  Visible
Step •    Comment : cek jika ada di udara
•    Check empty : x=0,y=1,only solid,relative di contreng
•    Set grafity : direction = 270, grafity = 0.5
•    Else
•    Set grafity  : direction = 270, grafity = 0
•    Comment : batasi kecepatan vertical
•    Test variable : variable=vspeed,value=12,operation=Larger than
•    Speed vertical : vert.speed=12

•    Move to cantact : direction=direction,maximum=12,against=solid object
•    Speed vertical : vert.speed=0

•    Check empty : x=-4,y=0,only solid,relative di contreng
•    Jump to position : x=-4,y=0, relative di contreng

•    Chec collisionx=0,y=1,only solid,relative di contreng
•    Speed vertical vert.speed=-10

•    Check empty  x=4,y=0,only solid,relative di contreng
•    Jump to position  x=4,y=0, relative di contreng
 ini yang ke 7

4.Buat room seperti gambar. Dan cobalah modifikasi sendiri untuk menambahkan elemen-elemen lainnya.

02 Desember, 2012

Enemy Tower Attacked Player ( Serial Tutorial Game Maker )

1.Buatlah 2 buah Tower dan peluru nya atau apa saja dan beri nama sesuai dengan anda suka, contoh : spr_tower_boom dan spr_boom.

2.Kemudian buat sebuah object dan aturlah :
Nama Object Event Action
Obj_Tower_Boom; Spr_tower_boom Step Task chance : side = 10
▲ <---- block="block" br="br" open="open">
Create moving Object : spr_boom,x=0,y=0,speed=8,direction=random_range(250,290),relative=dicontreng. ▼<---- block="block" br="br" close="close">
Create Move toward : x=player.x,y=player.y,speed=8

Buat roomnya dan test lah.

Control score ( Serial Game Maker Tutorial )

Sebelum membuat object buat dulu sebuah font di folder font dan klik kanan create font. Setelah itu buatlah object dengan nama terserah anda suka... :P.

Nama Object Event Action
Obj_score Draw •    Set Color = ( pilih warna yang sesuai dengan anda)
•    Set Font : font ( klik font yang kita sudah buat), align = (left,center,right pilih salah satu)
•    Draw score: x=0,y=0,caption=”Score :”, Relative = dicontreng

Kemudian masukkan ke dalam room.

01 Desember, 2012

Satanic Symbol on Google Chrome

Kalo saya renungkan ada benarnya juga statement dari rekan saya yang ada di facebook. Yang mengatakan bahwa pada logo google chrome terdapat mirip dengan simbol iblis 666 yang berarti, sebenarnya pihak dari google juga ada mempunyai misi tersembunyi yang hingga sekarang kita belum tahu apa.

Symbol 666

Mari kita coba tela'ah bersama-sama, pada logo google chrome terdapat angka 666 "the number of one beast" sebuah sebutan untuk kebangkitan dari anak iblis sering menyebut dengan bapometh,lucifer, atau lainnya, para kaum anti-christ mempunyai keyakinan akan ada masa dimana pemimpin mereka yang disebut dengan 666 akan muncul.[1](

Symbol dajjal

Kalo kita perhatikan lagi lingkaran pada logo google chrome seolah-olah sebuah bola mata yang sedang menatap kearah kita. "All Seeing Eye". Yang berarti dengan semua terlihat jelas dengan mata bisa juga diartikan setiap apa pun yang kita lakukan akan selalu diawasi.

Tapi semua itu terserah kepada para pembaca semua yang mengartikan,percaya atau tidak semua kembali kepada anda.

Make Draw score in the room ( Serial Tutorial Game Maker )

Kali ini saya membagikan tip n trik untuk para pemula game maker seperti saya. Tip n trik kali adalah membuat tampilan score berada didalam room games. Langkah-langkah
Buatlah sebuah object kosong beri nama objek yang kita buat. Berikut detailnya :

Nama Object Event Action
Obj_score Draw 1.Draw score: x=43,y=43 ( x dan y adalah letak posisi tulisan score yang kita buat), caption = "Player 1"

2.Draw lives:x=435,y=43,caption="Player 2"

Langkah terakhir Masukkanlah obj_score ini kedalam room. SELAMAT MENCOBA

28 November, 2012

How to deceive your AV

Hello Blog see you again, now I will show you about my experience how to deceive your AV. In here I choose AV avast. In av avast there is some tools you can choose it for deceive him. name of tools is sandbox. With sandbox we can put anything program if we have setting first. Okay now I show you how to easy I can do it. First I will used my keygen dan my crack for some program. Because I dont have any money to buy some serial or license. Now I open my av and you will see in interface chose "additional protection" and choose again some sc. Now continued to choose setting button right of interface of av. and now will show a popup windows like in sc. As you see in sc, I choose add button to put my keygen or my crack so the av can recognize that program not dangers and he gave me allow permission. After that I finish my work with choose ok button. That all and I can usedmy keygen or crack for my programs. As ussually this educational purpose only do with your own risk see yeaaa .... :p Note: - sorry I found your bugs

06 Agustus, 2012

Resolved problem patch autocad 2012 ( in Windows 7 )

"You need to apply patch when license screen appears", “privilege problem, are you admin?”,” no debug privilage, are y admin? ” ... bla ..bla. That the messege show if we used patch activation autocad 2012 32/64 bit from x-force. OOps I'm sorry I'm forgot you can download in here 32/64 bit

I have the same problem too, but now the problem its solved, just use simple touch and sometimes we're forgot what the Operating System us. In windows 7 such as we have been login with account Administrator, but its not work if you want to run some program like patch, keygen, or else.

Simple touch is you may run the keygen with Just right click and select "run as administrator" and taraaaa solved, and you have successfully patch. Maybe the team x-force build that keygen. With the same thing.

Okay that its folks, Hav fun ... :))

10 Juli, 2012

Belajar buat Games yuuk

Hello para netter,walaupun banyak isu tentang kiamat internet atau no internet connection, pada tanggal 9 July 2012 ini saya tidak peduli akan hal tersebut. Karena saya akan tetap menulis. Kali ini saya akan mengajak para netter yang hobby akan main game membuat game sendiri. Banyak sekali platform pembuat games yang beredar secara bebas (open source) dan berbayar. Seperti Adobe Flash Cs, Scratch, .. etc.

Tapi saya tidak memilih itu semua, Disini yang akan saya gunakan adalah program Game Maker. Anda bisa mendownload secara free di source nya langsung di[1]. Anda bisa juga mendownload versi pro nya yang sudah lengkap dengan patch ==> disini.

Dikarenakan program ini agak mudah digunakan tinggal drag and drop aja setelah itu atur event dari object masing2x.... Hehehe.... :D. Oke buat yang berminat akan tutorial lengkapnya bisa download ==> disini.

Ref :

28 Juni, 2012

Cara install bash windows (Cygwin)

Oke kali ini saya akan menerangkan bagaimana cara menginstall bash console di windows, pertama download dulu Cgywin nya disini >> "Download cgwin". Setelah didownload lalu langsung di jalankan file setupnya secara online. Atau kalo mo alternatif offline disini >> "Download" nya.

INTRO(3) Cygwin INTRO(3)

intro - Introduction to the Cygwin API

Cygwin is a UNIX environment, developed by Red Hat, for Windows. It
consists of two parts:

A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a UNIX emulation layer providing
substantial UNIX API functionality. This page describes the API pro-
vided by the DLL.

A collection of tools, ported from UNIX, which provide UNIX/Linux look
and feel. This environment is described in the intro(1) man page.

Cygwin is developed by volunteers collaborating over the Internet. It
is distributed through the website The website has
extensive documentation, including FAQ, User's Guide, and API Refer-
ence. It should be considered the authoritative source of information.
The source code, relased under the GNU General Public License, Version
2, is also availalbe from the website or one of the mirrors.

Cygwin policy is to attempt to adhere to POSIX/SUSv2 (Portable Operat-
ing System Interface for UNIX / The Single UNIX Specification, Version
2) where possible.

SUSv2 is available online at:

For compatibility information about specific functions, see the API
Reference at:

Where these standards are ambiguous, Cygwin tries to mimic Linux.
However, Cygwin uses newlib instead of glibc as its C Library, avail-
able at:

Keep in mind that there are many underlying differences between UNIX
and Win32 (for example, a case-insensitive file system), making com-
plete compatibility an ongoing challenge.

If you find a bug in Cygwin, please read

and follow the instructions for reporting found there. If you are
able to track down the source of the bug and can provide a fix, there
are instructions for contributing patches at:

Cygwin is Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.

Cygwin is Free software; for complete licensing information, refer to:

This man page was written and is maintained by Joshua Daniel Franklin

If you find a bug in Cygwin, please read

and follow the instructions for reporting found there. If you are
able to track down the source of the bug and can provide a fix, there
are instructions for contributing patches at:

Cygwin is Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.

Cygwin is Free software; for complete licensing information, refer to:

This man page was written and is maintained by Joshua Daniel Franklin

Oke sekarang kita test

server@lpia-server ~
$ whoami

Ref :

26 Juni, 2012

Refreshing RAM

Random access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. Today, it takes the form of integrated circuits that allow stored data to be accessed in any order with a worst case performance of constant time. Strictly speaking, modern types of DRAM are not random access, as data is read in bursts, although the name DRAM / RAM has stuck. However, many types of SRAM, ROM, OTP, and NOR flash are still random access even in a strict sense. RAM is often associated with volatile types of memory (such as DRAM memory modules), where its stored information is lost if the power is removed. Many other types of non-volatile memory are RAM as well, including most types of ROM and a type of flash memory called NOR-Flash. The first RAM modules to come into the market were created in 1951 and were sold until the late 1960s and early 1970s. [1]

If you have trouble with your computer such as Hang, Lagh, or Crash Program maybe in your RAm have something trouble error, Okay now I want show you how to refresh our RAM in computer. Just simple tools in windows. Open your notepad and copy this script and paste in notepad then save as with any.vbs


I dont now how this work, but if you have some suggestion I would be thanks to put your comment with this tutorial.

Refrence :
[2]my friend (anitsuya)

12 Juni, 2012

JHead for fun

Jhead adalah sebuah tools yang dapat memanipulasi source foto. Program jhead adalah program open source. Tools ini sebenarnya hanya sebuah to yang tidak terlalu bahaya ( kali yaaa ),tapi untuk para hacker banyak digunakan sebagai alat menanamkan backdoor ke sebuah target web.

How to use

Disini saya gunakan adalah Jhead versi windows, maklum hanya ini yang saya punya ini pun punya kantor hehehehe ... :D. Oke langsung saja kita download dari source nya : Download Jhead. Pilih sesuai dengan versi OS yang kita gunakan.

Setelah kita download kita letakkan file di folder yang kita suka. Disini saya letakkan di drive C:. Buka cmd kemudian masuk ke path yang dituju. setelah itu kita running programnya :

C:\>jhead_2.exe -h
Jhead is a program for manipulating settings and thumbnails in Exif jpeg header

used by most Digital Cameras. v2.95 Matthias Wandel, Mar 16 2012.

Usage: jhead_2.exe [options] files
files path/filenames with or without wildcards
[options] are:

-te Transfer exif header from another image file
Uses same name mangling as '-st' option
-dc Delete comment field (as left by progs like Photoshop & Compupic)
-de Strip Exif section (smaller JPEG file, but lose digicam info)
-di Delete IPTC section (from Photoshop, or Picasa)
-dx Deletex XMP section
-du Delete non image sections except for Exif and comment sections
-purejpg Strip all unnecessary data from jpeg (combines -dc -de and -du)
-mkexif Create new minimal exif section (overwrites pre-existing exif)
-ce Edit comment field. Uses environment variable 'editor' to
determine which editor to use. If editor not set, uses VI
under Unix and notepad with windows
-cs Save comment section to a file
-ci Insert comment section from a file. -cs and -ci use same naming
scheme as used by the -st option
-cl string Insert literal comment string

-ft Set file modification time to Exif time
-dsft Set Exif time to file modification time
Rename files according to date. Uses exif date if present, file
date otherwise. If the optional format-string is not supplied,
the format is mmdd-hhmmss. If a format-string is given, it is
is passed to the 'strftime' function for formatting
In addition to strftime format codes:
'%f' as part of the string will include the original file name
'%i' will include a sequence number, starting from 1. You can
You can specify '%03i' for example to get leading zeros.
This feature is useful for ordering files from multiple digicams t

sequence of taking. Only renames files whose names are mostly
numerical (as assigned by digicam)
The '.jpg' is automatically added to the end of the name. If the
destination name already exists, a letter or digit is added to
the end of the name to make it unique.
The new name may include a path as part of the name. If this path
does not exist, it will be created
-a (Windows only) Rename files with same name but different extension
Use together with -n to rename .AVI files from exif in .THM files
for example
Adjust time by h:mm backwards or forwards. Useful when having
taken pictures with the wrong time set on the camera, such as when
traveling across time zones or DST changes. Dates can be adjusted
by offsetting by 24 hours or more. For large date adjustments,
use the -da option
Adjust date by large amounts. This is used to fix photos from
cameras where the date got set back to the default camera date
by accident or battery removal.
To deal with different months and years having different numbers o

days, a simple date-month-year offset would result in unexpected
results. Instead, the difference is specified as desired date
minus original date. Date is specified as yyyy:mm:dd or as date
and time in the format yyyy:mm:dd/hh:mm:ss


C:\>jhead_2.exe -purejpg galau.jpg
Modified: galau.jpg

Command line "-purejpg galau.jpg" untuk membersihkan/menghapus isi dari file aslinya gambar. Setelah itu kita mulai menginjekkan kaki kita .... lho mengetikkan source code yang kita sudah siapkan.

C:\>jhead_2.exe -ce galau.jpg

Command line "-ce galau.jpg" untuk membuka dokumen gambar yang akan di inject. Apabila berhasil maka akan muncul notepad kosong yang siap kita isi setelah itu tinggal kita masukkan source code yang kita sudah siapkan lalu tekan save dan exit. setelah itu lakukan pengecekan.

C:\>jhead_2.exe galau.jpg
File name : galau.jpg
File size : 27712 bytes
File date : 2012:05:29 11:24:19
Resolution : 506 x 337
Comment : Abina azkia
Comment : was
Comment : here


Index of /wp-content/uploads/2012/06

Parent Directory
galau.jpg <---- tuch dia

Oke sekian dulu. Seperti yang sudah - sudah just for fun only... :)).

ref :

By pass log for 4shared

Alo para netters sekalian. Kali ini saya share bagaimana membypass atao melewati login 4shared sebelum kita mendownload file. Oke langsung aja, buka site 4shared generator -->

Setelah itu copas url file yang akan kita download ke generatebar nya, kemudian tekan tombol Generate link. Tunggu beberapa saat. Setelah muncul hasilnya copy kan pada address bar dan file siap di download.[1] <-- url download <--- setelah di generate

Cyber Meong[1]

05 Juni, 2012

Hackers control the satelite

I dont know its true or not, Maybe this some crazy things but if we thinking again "no one save 100% security in this world" ( thats what I'm say) Maybe it is true.

You can read more and pure from the source :



Warning!! Google doc can steal your data

----- Google Doc Introducing
Google Docs (now known as Google Drive) is a free,Web-based office suite and data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users. Google Docs combines the features of Writely and Spreadsheets with a presentation program incorporating technology designed by Tonic Systems. Data storage of files up to 1 GB total in size was introduced on January 13, 2010, but has since been increased to 10 GB, documents using Google Docs native formats do not count towards this quota.[3] The largely anticipated cloud storage feature by Google is said to be replacing most of Docs' features in 2012.[4] This extension or replacement of Google Docs called Google Drive was opened to the public on April 24, 2012.[1]

As we read above, google doc greatly help us in the form of data storage spread sheets, presentations, brochures, and so forth.

Which is where we need to remember is that we can access google doc, we must have an account with google of course. this is what hackers use to control the user name and password email us following footage spam

The message reads:

Confirm your e-mail account please enter your Mailbox Details by clicking the link below:
Failure to provide details correctly will result to immediate closure of your mailbox account from our database.

As you can see, the link points to a page on Google Docs ( That gives the link a false aura of legitimacy. But what the link can't do is tell you whether the Google account holder is legitimate or up to no good.

In this case, as you'll see if you click on the link, it's clearly an attempt to phish information from internet users.

As the screenshot below shows, the page falsely claims that your email account will be shut down in three days and the only way it claims you can resolve the situation is by entering your username and password.

Before you know it, your email account will be compromised. And if that username/password combination is being used elsewhere on the web or if - as is the case with Google - your details unlock a variety of services, then the security breach is compounded.

Here is another example of phishing via Google Docs that I encountered today. Again, it arrives in the form of a spam email.

The email reads as follows:

Subject: MAIL QUOTA 89.99%(VALIDATE)

Helpdesk requires you to validate your webmail.
Due to our upgrade, Protecting your webmail account is our primary concern, revalidate your e-mail by clicking [LINK] help desk.

If you do make the mistake of clicking on the link then you are taken once again to a page hosted on Google Docs (don't be fooled by the different colour scheme).

Don't forget, at the bottom of each Google Docs form there is a link where you can report abuse, such as phishing or offensive content.Clicking the link should take you to a screen like this, where you can anonymously explain what your issue is with the page.

ref :
Wikipedia [1] [2]

04 Juni, 2012

LOIC (DDoS Tool)

Before you read this, please keep in mind this is just for knowledge only. Do not be misused .. abuse is not my responsibility. Use at your own risk ..hehee .. : D

I will just briefly explain: D

LOIC or Low Orbit Ion Cannon is a tool / application which is designed by 4chan, Praetox (CMIIW.. I myself was not so clear who the creator: D). Loic is often used for DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service) on the website.

This Akhir2x Loic become popular since serangan2x committed by Anonymous hacktivis pd several large web. Loic Anonymous itself is often used in its operations, and of course coupled with other tool2x and technic who own their own who only know: D

Then why Loic is so "dangerous"?

Loic is so easy because it uses. We stayed put and lock the target URL, pilih2x method of attack, attack, and just wait for the results; then they will be going down the target website, inaccessible, and sometimes can cause damage to the web page on the server.

Loic will be bergitu dangerous if the attacker has a "resource" which is big in using Loic.

Loic can be downloaded at:
Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. For antivirus would be dangerous terdetect / virus, it's just false alarm tp: D

Here I will not explain how to use them .. hehee sorry ^ _ ^ but you can googling or search on youtube how to use it.

Remember, do not be misused .. especially for you who still lay an eye out DDoS. Because the "world" in addition to DDoS attacks, we must also be able to "secure" or make "protection" for ourselves; either pc, server, ip, as well as ourselves .. so, do not be stupid: D

For the master who already do not get complacent though; not to "we" instead becomes part of a bot net, ultimately felicitous only make ourselves into a zombie .. hahaaa ...

30 Mei, 2012

Logika IF gabungan ( IF & 3 Elemen )

Pada artikel yang lalu kita sudah membahas tentang logika if,kali ini saya akan membahas logika IF gabungan. Apa itu logika IF gabungan?? yaitu penggunaan fungsi IF dengan 3 elemen lain seperti air, tanah, batu... lho koq kayak avatar ... :p hehehehe ..., 3 elemen nya itu adalah LEFT,RIGHT dan MID.

3 Elemen
Sebelum kita membahas lebih lanjut mengenai IF gabungan,kita harus paham dahulu tentang apa itu 3 elemen dasar gabungan serta fungsi masing2x. Kita akan bahas satu persatu elemen tersebut.


Elemen Left adalah sebuah fungsi logika yang mengambil beberapa karakter di kiri. Banyaknya karakter ditentukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pada gambar ini menjelaskan seperti apa cara kerja dari elemen Left ini.

pada gambar dijelaskan seperti ini :


  1. A2 adalah sebagai cell acuan.

  2. 3 adalah jumlah atau banyaknya karakter di kiri yang dibutuhkan.

  3. maka hasilnya menjadi "Abi"


Untuk yang Right juga sama penjelasannya hampir sama dengan LEFT. Hanya saja diambil karakternya dikanan. berikut gambarnya.


  1. A2 adalah sebagai cell acuan.

  2. 5 adalah jumlah atau banyaknya karakter di kanan yang dibutuhkan.

maka hasilnya menjadi "Azkia"


Untuk elemen yang satu ini memang harus benar-benar kita pahami dulu,kenapa untuk elemen Mid mempunyai keunikan. berikut gambarnya.


  1. A2 adalah sebagai cell acuan.

  2. 4 adalah urutan karakter cell acuan yang dihitung dari kiri ke arah kanan

  3. 2 adalah jumlah atau banyaknya karakter ditengah yang dibutuhkan.

maka hasilnya menjadi "na"

Hasil sebenarnya seperti ini :

IF dan 3 Elemen

Setelah kita memahami elemen-eleman dasar tadi barulah kita mulai menggabungkan IF dengan ketiga elemen tersebut. Maka hasil gabungannya seperti ini :


Nah seperti itu hasil penggabungan dari IF dengan 3 elemen. Untuk lebih paham anda bisa mendownload contoh soal dari gabungan IF dan anda bebas memodifikasi agar lebih mengerti cara kerjanya. ... :D


Link download ==> IF & 3 Elemen.

Ada apa dengan kaskus???

Baru saja saya kaget juga kenapa dengan web kaskus. Dulu seh memang sempet down karena sebuah "perang sodara". Biasa gara-gara oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Tapi yang ini koq agak beda.

Kemudian saya mulai berkonsultasi dengan "uncle google" lalu si uncle memberitahukan bahwa kaskus sekarang pindah domain. Yang mana pertama menjadi, dan semua databasenya utuh tidak ada yang hilang. Saluuut buat kaskus yang makin indonesia banget.

23 Mei, 2012

Nasa have been attacked again

A long time ago nasa space agency came under attack from hackers. This time, NASA is also under attack from hackers who call 'Cyber ​​Warriors Team' a bunch of hackers from iran.

Hacker hacking of NASA SSL Digital Certificate, an online post That's it compromised SSL certificate belonging to NASA and subsequently accessed information on Thousands of NASA Researchers. A space agency representative Revealed That they're currently Investigating the incident. The group said the certificate was compromised by exploiting an existing vulnerability within the portal's login system, but They did not outline the[1]

Ref: THN

22 Mei, 2012

Unique in Windows

Alo para netter, ada yang unique di dalam windows, saya sendiri tidak tahu apa karena saya dapat info dari twitter saya. Artikel aslinya ada disini-->[1]. Mungkin ini bisa disebut tools atau celah atau apalah sebutan yang kalian mau. Tapi yang jelas ini bisa kita manfaatkan.

Oke lets check this out :

Sebelumnya buka dulu "cmd". Tentunya anda semua sudah tahu cara buka cmd kaaan ?? :P. Setelah itu ketikkan ini di cmd = tasklist. maka akan muncul seperti ini :


Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ====== ================ ======== ============
System Idle Process 0 Console 0 16 K
System 4 Console 0 36 K
smss.exe 556 Console 0 44 K
csrss.exe 612 Console 0 1,752 K
winlogon.exe 640 Console 0 4,584 K
services.exe 684 Console 0 1,692 K
lsass.exe 696 Console 0 1,340 K
svchost.exe 848 Console 0 1,524 K
svchost.exe 904 Console 0 1,304 K
svchost.exe 968 Console 0 11,916 K
aips.exe 1004 Console 0 296 K
svchost.exe 1132 Console 0 1,236 K
svchost.exe 1196 Console 0 2,976 K
explorer.exe 1368 Console 0 15,612 K
spoolsv.exe 1456 Console 0 5,820 K
igfxtray.exe 1604 Console 0 280 K
hkcmd.exe 1612 Console 0 300 K
igfxpers.exe 1620 Console 0 268 K
jusched.exe 1632 Console 0 36 K
egui.exe 1644 Console 0 3,864 K
daemon.exe 1652 Console 0 296 K
ctfmon.exe 1736 Console 0 728 K
ToolwizCares.exe 1780 Console 0 3,028 K
IDMan.exe 1820 Console 0 1,392 K
USB Disk Security.exe 1972 Console 0 2,000 K
AdskScSrv.exe 2008 Console 0 256 K
mscorsvw.exe 2032 Console 0 1,196 K
ekrn.exe 260 Console 0 31,976 K
E_S40ST7.EXE 264 Console 0 36 K
E_S40RP7.EXE 300 Console 0 44 K
jqs.exe 328 Console 0 1,392 K
raysat_3dsmax9_32server.e 512 Console 0 40 K
NHOSTSVC.EXE 524 Console 0 32 K
PsiService_2.exe 188 Console 0 40 K
svchost.exe 824 Console 0 36 K
netcut.exe 1320 Console 0 6,388 K
IEMonitor.exe 2568 Console 0 396 K
svchost.exe 2628 Console 0 176 K
Adobe Photoshop CS3.exe 2352 Console 0 212 K
Photoshop.exe 796 Console 0 12,052 K
firefox.exe 2456 Console 0 238,224 K
plugin-container.exe 2140 Console 0 82,812 K
DnsJumper.exe 3300 Console 0 1,364 K
cmd.exe 4036 Console 0 804 K
tasklist.exe 3324 Console 0 4,144 K
wmiprvse.exe 740 Console 0 5,308 K

Sekarang ingat apabila kita mengetikkan echo maka munculnya echo on, tapi kalo kita ketikkan echo >> test.txt, Maka yang terjadi adalah membentuk sebuah file notepad yang nama nya test.txt. Nah skrg hal ini yang akan kita coba ke tasklist. Ketikkan tasklist >> Im_here.txt, maka yang terjadi adalah :

C:\>tasklist >> Im_here.txt

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D406-A40E

Directory of C:\

05/30/2012 11:24 AM 3,506 echo.txt
05/30/2012 11:29 AM 35 hore.txt
05/30/2012 11:53 AM 3,506 Im_here.txt <----- ini file nya

13 File(s) 16,468,981 bytes
8 Dir(s) 4,539,170,816 bytes free

Ternyata sama dengan kita menggunakan echo >> file.txt

Silahkan anda bisa coba perintah lain seperti netstat, net, reg, ... etc

Jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba, justru takutlah jika tidak pernah mencoba ... :P, Silahkan explorasi windows anda.

Ref :

19 Mei, 2012

Share my creation

Hahay ... iseng neh, lagi gak ada ide buat posting jadi, cuma share hasil karya dari siswa2 saya, selamat menikmati, ohya di edit dengan photoshop,:P

Morphing Effect

Masking effect

Glowing Effect

Water Drop

04 Mei, 2012

Facebook vs Koobface

Facebook saat ini adalah sebuah jejaring social yang sangat terkenal dan banyak diminati orang sedunia. Karena banyak sekali ragam fitur nya, games dan lain2x. Tapi bukanlah hal yang baru dan sudah lumrah sebuah website mempunyai sebuah pertahanan yang cukup tangguh. Akan tetapi bukan berarti sekelas facebook tidak bisa di susupi, Karena kalo kita jeli sekarang ini banyak sekali para geek bertebaran di facebook, dan mereka mendirikan group dan bendera masing-masing.

Belum lama ini saya membaca sebuah artikel tentang virus yang menyerang facebook dengan special teknik social engeenering yang canggih akhirnya diantara para geek yang bertebaran di seantero facebook berhasil menciptakan sebuah variant worm yang namanya juga diambil dari nama si empunya hanya saja di baca terbalik yaitu koobface. Berikut Detail data koobface yang saya sadur[1]

Common name Koobface

OSX/Koobface.A (Intego)
W32/Koobfa-Gen (Sophos)
W32.Koobface.A (Symantec)
W32/Koobface.worm (McAfee)
Win32/Koobface (CA, Inc.)
Worm.KoobFace (Malwarebytes)
Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.a (Kaspersky)
Worm/Win32.Koobface (AhnLab)

Classification Unknown
Type Computer worm
Subtype Malware
Point of Origin Russia

Sepak terjang dari koobface ini tidak bisa diremehkan, karena tidak hanya facebook saja target dari serangannya twitter, myspace, dan hampir beberapa social network lain. Beberapa ada yang menyebutnya virus ada juga yang menyebutnya worm.

Penyebarannya pun agak unik yaitu memanfaatkan link dari teman-teman kita, Saya tidak tahu pasti seberapa parahkan serangannya. yang jelas untuk di wilayah amerika sudah dibuat kebakaran jenggot karena serangan dari koobface.

Hingga sekarang masih belum jelas adakah AV yang mampu dan bisa menangkal serangan dari koobface. Dan apa sebenarnya misi dibalik serangan koobface????

You'll find with your self mind.
Ref : Wikipwdia & google

Sebuah celah di facebook, Benarkah???

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, teman saya kirim berkas, Berikut dialognya :

Starring me = saya & x = teman saya

me = Woii dah dikirim belum.
x = udah tuch, dari kemarin lagi, memang belum ngecek??

me = mana??? gak ada koq, saya dah cek di inbox gak ada.
x = ahh masa, saya udah kirim koq.

me = suuuerrr, blom ada neh, kirim kemana seh ke emailkaan ???
x = yeeee, bukan kirim ke inbox facebook.

me = ????? (facebook), ahhh yang bener lo ...
x = Coba cek di inbox facebook lo ....

Lalu saya coba buka facebook saya mana neh inbox, ngaco aja neh anak, sambil gerutu trus saya buka satu2x, dan akhirnya saya masuk ke kotak pesan, dan ternyata ada memang berkas yang saya minta berada pada balasan dari teman saya. Lalu saya coba download dan memang bisa.

Mungkin saya memang gak terlalu update akan hal tersebut, tapi memang saya perhatikan facebook akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali menambah fitur-fitur baru yang sudah dimiliki oleh kompetitornya terdahulu seperti yahoo, twitter, skype, ..etc. Coba saja kita cek dimenu chat facebook ada, offline status, video call, emotion,.. etc.

Tapi itu tidak menarik buat saya karena apa, gak ada seni nya hehehehe ... tapi kalo mengenai kita bisa mengirim file ke facebook ini menarik. Mungkin si developernya facebook yang memprakarsai facebook agar bisa mengirim file tidak merasa bahwa hal tersebut bisa di manfaatkan menjadi sebuah "celah" agar bisa melakukan suatu tindakan yang berbahaya.

Nah itu asumsi saya pribadi saya, memang harus di akui tidak ada 100% safe security didunia maya. Karena apa setiap program aplikasi web dalam artian website itu sendiri pasti memiliki bugs atau celah yang tinggal tunggu waktu saja kapan akan diserang.

25 April, 2012

New Google Dork Update

Hallo para netter sekalian ada yang pernah bilang pada saya,"kalo anda banyak mengetahui kata kunci atau keyword di google atau google dork, maka anda bisa dengan mudah melakukan hacking, exploitasi".

Mungkin ada benar juga orang tersebut, kenapa demikian kita lihat kasus-kasus yang banyak terjadi, mereka hanya butuh google dork dan skill yang mereka punyai. Nah berikut ini saya tidak akan berbagi bagaimana cara menggunakan google dork tersebut, tetapi saya akan berbagi google dork yang terbaru dan anda semua silahkan mencoba sendiri.

Latest Google Hacking Entries
Date Title Category
2012-01-10 inurl:wp-content/plugins/age-verification/age-veri... Advisories and Vulnerabilities
2012-01-03 inurl:"/showPlayer.php?id=" intext:"... Advisories and Vulnerabilities
2011-12-29 inurl:"mod.php?mod=blog" intext:"po... Advisories and Vulnerabilities
2011-12-28 inurl:cgi-bin/cosmobdf.cgi? Various Online Devices
2011-12-27 allintext:D.N.I filetype:xls Files containing juicy info
2011-12-27 (username=* | username:* |) | ( ((password=* | pas... Files containing passwords
2011-12-27 inurl:RgFirewallRL.asp | inurl:RgDmzHost.asp | inu... Various Online Devices
2011-12-26 intitle:SpectraIV-IP Various Online Devices
2011-12-26 "Powered by kryCMS" Advisories and Vulnerabilities
2011-12-23 inurl:.php intitle:- BOFF 1.0 intext:[ Sec. Info ] Vulnerable Servers

Well hav fun bro .. ;))

ref :

Google Berbentuk Resleting

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya sempat kaget akan google bagaimana tidak, saya melihat google berubah menjadi sebuah resleting raksasa, yang uniknya saya kira hanya sebuah gambar,ternyata sewaktu saya klik pas di kepala resleting nya langsung terbuka seoalh2x seperti resleting biasa, waduhh saya mulai panik, takut ada yang keluar seperti cewe dalam "undress" ( ...kekekekekekkkkk), atau sesuatu. Ternyata yang tampak adalah seperti biasa beberapa link dalam halaman google. Setelah saya baca-baca ternyata google pada beberapa hari yang lalu ikut merayakan hari jadi penemu resleting di dunia yaitu Gideon Sundback[1]. Nah begitulah google selalu setia memperingati ultah semua orang yang terkenal dan berjasa pada dunia. ref : wikipedia [1] google

19 April, 2012

Not so snap happy

Not so snap happy: Android Instagram users hit by virus-infected fake app which secretly runs up enormous bills

If you've downloaded the hit app Instagram for Android, you could be in for a huge mobile phone bill.

A 'clone' site offers an infected version of the Android app which sends SMS messages to premium services, running up enormous bills.

The app has millions of users around the world, and was recently acquired by Facebook for $1 billion.

Rather surreally, the app is also filled with pictures of a Russian 'mystery man' - apparently a cult joke on Russian websites, from a photo showing a casually dressed man at a Russian wedding.

Android users are at risk if they downloaded the app from sites other than the official Google Play market.

Birds, bees and Claude Monet: How the famed artist could see in ultraviolet just like some animals

The malicious software was picked up by anti-virus company Sophos.

'Cybercriminals have created fake versions of the Instagram Android app, designed to earn money from unsuspecting users,' says Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

'Cybercriminals have played on the popularity of the Instagram app - which
If Android owners download the app from unapproved sources, rather than official sites such as the official Google Play Android marketplace, they run the risk of infecting their smartphone.'

'Once installed, the app will send background SMS messages to premium rate services earning its creators revenue. Sophos products detect the malware, which has been distributed on a Russian website purporting to be an official Instagram site, as Andr/Boxer-F.'

‘Android malware is becoming a bigger and bigger problem,’ said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

‘Just last week, we saw a bogus edition of the Angry Birds Space game and it’s quite likely that whoever is behind this latest malware are also using the names and images of other popular smartphone apps as bait.'

Unlike phones running Apple's iOS, Android handsets can install and run apps from any source.

This leaves them vulnerable to malicious software - and even Google's Play store often has 'fake' apps which infect phones with malicious apps.

Ohio Anonymous hacker in court for Utah police website hacks

Ohio resident John Anthony Borell III is being tried today for two counts of felony computer intrusion after hacking into Utah law enforcement websites in January.

Borell was recently arrested after Federal Bureau of Investigations agents found him using Twitter and Internet Relay Chat logs. The investigation was spurred by two tips sent in to and that stated Borell was a member of hacking collective Anonymous. It also provided a number of pseudonyms he was associated with including Kahuna, TehTiger, and anonJB.

The indictment states that Borell used the SQL Injection technique to access and take down the websites and (Salt Lake City Police Department). The FBI found Twitter direct messages and tweets in which Borell admitted to taking down the websites. Further proof of his identity was found when the FBI looked through chat logs in IRC. There, Borell explained that his father was an attorney and was advising him against talking to the FBI. Agents searched Ohio-based attorneys and found two local attorneys named “John Anthony Borell Esq.”

He had also been in contact with Sabu, Anonymous’s once bullhorn, turned FBI informant.

Borell hacked these websites in order to make a statement about copyright infringement and the current Megaupload case. After hacking, Borell tweeted, “Whoever removed the Megaupload image from and replaced it with their nick when I hacked it for a purpose. Fuck OFF.”

According to the Salt Lake City Tribune, Borell has pleaded not guilty to the two charges. But a guilty conviction could put him in jail for 20 years, and hit him with a fine of $500,000. A trial is tentatively scheduled for June 25.

Breasts lead to arrest of Anonymous hacker

Police allege that an Anonymous hacker posted a picture of his presumed girlfriend's breasts as a taunt to U.S authorities. The picture allegedly contained GPS information that led the FBI to her.

Pride in one's lover's bodily parts can lead to a fall in one's own bodily security.

That seems to be the lesson from the tale of an alleged hacker, Higinio O.Ochoa, a 30-year-old Linux administrator from Galveston, Texas, who was arrested by the FBI and charged with unauthorized access to a protected computer.

The accusation, as described by the Sydney Morning Herald, is that Ochoa hacked into several Web sites belonging to law enforcement.

Sometimes, though, the temptation to leave a calling card can be too great. So Ochoa allegedly used a Twitter account to direct people to a Web site when all the law enforcement information he'd supposedly hacked was on display.

Also on display was a picture of a woman, her breasts lowering themselves tantalizingly toward the camera, with a sign beneath them reading: "''PwNd by w0rmer & CabinCr3w XXX u BiTch's''.

Now CabinCr3w is the apparent name of an Anonymous offshoot. And the "w0rmer" part? Well, the Twitter account linking people to the site was @AnonW0rmer.

However, the photograph of the breasts apparently linked authorities to Ochoa -- because, taken with an iPhone, it contained GPS information. The information allegedly suggested she lived in Melbourne, Australia.

Further burrowing led the police to discover a posting on Ochoa's Facebook page that allegedly revealed his girlfriend was Australian.

The claim is that police have managed to match pictures of her that Ochoa allegedly posted on Facebook to the breast image.

To the untrained eye, this might seem curious, as the Facebook pictures allegedly show her face, while the taunting picture does not.

Perhaps the authorities have gone beyond mere facial-recognition technology and are in possession of software that can match other bodily parts with astonishing accuracy.

"Hacker" Anonymous Tertangkap Gara-gara Foto Sang Pacar

Gara-gara sang pacar mem-posting foto tak senonohnya di Twitter, hacker Anonymous berhasil dilacak jejaknya oleh FBI.

Hacker bernama Higinio O Ochoa III itu dituduh melakukan aksi melawan hukum dengan membobol jaringan sejumlah situs Pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS).

Seperti diberitakan Daily Mail, Sabtu (14/4/2012), polisi berhasil melacak keberadaan sang hacker melalui foto yang lokasi pengambilannya dilakukan di Australia.

Hacker berusia 30 tahun ini adalah seorang programmer komputer yang tinggal di Galveston, Texas, AS.

Foto ini memperlihatkan seorang perempuan, mulai dari leher ke bawah, dan sebuah tulisan,"'PwNd by w0rmer & CabinCr3w <3 u B****'s!'.

FBI kemudian berhasil mendapatkan identitas Ochoa yang menyebut dirinya "w0rmer online" dan merupakan anggota CabinCr3w, sebuah kelompok kecil dari Anonymous.

Februari lalu, Ochoa, melalui akun Twitter @AnonW0rmer memasukkan link sebuah situs di mana data-data dari situs Pemerintah AS dipublikasikan. Pada bagian bawah situs itu terdapat foto perempuan memakai sebuah tanda. Data itu menunjukkan foto itu diambil menggunakan iPhone.

Hasil GPS menunjukan, foto-foto itu diambil melalui ponsel di sebuah rumah di Wantirna South, Melbourne, dan ternyata perempuan tersebut adalah pacar Ochoa bernama Kylie Gardner.

Setelah polisi memantau dalam jangka waktu lama, aparat kemudian menyerbu rumah Ochoa pada 20 Maret silam dan kemudian menangkapnya.

ref :

CISPA Nightmare in the web

The good news is that SOPA and PIPA haven’t come to pass, but the bad news is that they could be followed by a bill that is even more invasive and could violate even more of your civil liberties. It’s called CISPA and it stands for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. In short, it allows the government to request all kinds of information of Internet service providers and web hosts about its users.

Private companies are “encouraged” to “monitor” for “cyber threat” information happening on their networks, even if they have no real reason to do so. As Kendall Burman from the Center for Democracy and Technology explains in the video below, the breadth of the bill is remarkably broad, covering just about any kind of Internet activity at all. It doesn’t even really say what “government” can demand this kind of information, leaving it very vague and wide-reaching.

Ironically, even GOP candidate Rick Santorum went out to say that the Internet is “not a free zone,” and that regulations have to be in place to prevent an “anything goes” environment online. So much for small government. Following the Supreme Court ruling that allows getting strip searched for even the most minor of offenses, CISPA could allow the strip-searching of your online habits too… even without any kind of offense at all.

CISPA Good or not

Saya tidak ingin salah mengartikan jadi saya berikan tulisan asli saja :

An onrush of condemnation and criticism kept the SOPA and PIPA acts from passing earlier this year, but US lawmakers have already authored another authoritarian bill that could give them free reign to creep the Web in the name of cybersecurity.

As congressmen in Washington consider how to handle the ongoing issue of cyberattacks, some legislators have lent their support to a new act that, if passed, would let the government pry into the personal correspondence of anyone of their choosing.

H.R. 3523, a piece of legislation dubbed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (or CISPA for short), has been created under the guise of being a necessary implement in America’s war against cyberattacks. But the vague verbiage contained within the pages of the paper could allow Congress to circumvent existing exemptions to online privacy laws and essentially monitor, censor and stop any online communication that it considers disruptive to the government or private parties. Critics have already come after CISPA for the capabilities that it will give to seemingly any federal entity that claims it is threatened by online interactions, but unlike the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Acts that were discarded on the Capitol Building floor after incredibly successful online campaigns to crush them, widespread recognition of what the latest would-be law will do has yet to surface to the same degree.

Kendall Burman of the Center for Democracy and Technology tells RT that Congress is currently considering a number of cybersecurity bills that could eventually be voted into law, but for the group that largely advocates an open Internet, she warns that provisions within CISPA are reason to worry over what the realities could be if it ends up on the desk of President Barack Obama. So far CISPA has been introduced, referred and reported by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and expects to go before a vote in the first half of Congress within the coming weeks.

“We have a number of concerns with something like this bill that creates sort of a vast hole in the privacy law to allow government to receive these kinds of information,” explains Burman, who acknowledges that the bill, as written, allows the US government to involve itself into any online correspondence, current exemptions notwithstanding, if it believes there is reason to suspect cyber crime. As with other authoritarian attempts at censorship that have come through Congress in recent times, of course, the wording within the CISPA allows for the government to interpret the law in such a number of degrees that any online communication or interaction could be suspect and thus unknowingly monitored.

In a press release penned last month by the CDT, the group warned then that CISPA allows Internet Service Providers to “funnel private communications and related information back to the government without adequate privacy protections and controls.

The bill does not specify which agencies ISPs could disclose customer data to, but the structure and incentives in the bill raise a very real possibility that the National Security Agency or the DOD’s Cybercommand would be the primary recipient,” reads the warning.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, another online advocacy group, has also sharply condemned CISPA for what it means for the future of the Internet. “It effectively creates a ‘cybersecurity'’ exemption to all existing laws,” explains the EFF, who add in a statement of their own that “There are almost no restrictions on what can be collected and how it can be used, provided a company can claim it was motivated by ‘cybersecurity purposes.’”

What does that mean? Both the EFF and CDT say an awfully lot. Some of the biggest corporations in the country, including service providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter or AT&T, could copy confidential information and send them off to the Pentagon if pressured, as long as the government believes they have reason to suspect wrongdoing. In a summation of their own, the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress, explains that “efforts to degrade, disrupt or destroy” either “a system or network of a government or private entity” is reason enough for Washington to reach in and read any online communiqué of their choice.

The authors of CISPA say the bill has been made “To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities,” but not before noting that the legislation could be used “and for other purposes,” as well — which, of course, are not defined.

“Cyber security, when done right and done narrowly, could benefit everyone,” Burman tells RT. “But it needs to be done in an incremental way with an arrow approach, and the heavy hand that lawmakers are taking with these current bills . . . it brings real serious concerns.”

So far CISPA has garnered support from over 100 representatives in the House who are favoring this cybersecurity legislation without taking into considerations what it could do to the everyday user of the Internet. And while the backlash created by opponents of SOPA and PIPA has not materialized to the same degree yet, Burman warns Congress that it could be only a matter of time before concerned Americans step up to have their say.

“One of the lessons we learned in the reaction to SOPA and PIPA is that when Congress tries to legislate on things that are going to affect Internet users’ experience, the Internet users are going to pay attention,” says Burman. H.R. 3523, she cautions, “Definitely could affect in a very serious way the internet experience.” Luckily, adds Burman, “People are starting to notice.” Given the speed that the latest censorship bill could sneak through Congress, however, anyone concerned over the future of the Internet should be on the lookout for CISPA as it continues to be considered on Capitol Hill.

18 April, 2012

Mari Belajar Logika 1 (IF)

Siapa yang tidak kenal akan program Ms.Office, sejak tahun 1995 (kalao gak salah) hingga sekarang program tersebut banyak mengalami upgrading bahkan update dengan fitur-fitur baru yang menarik. Bahkan pihak Open source pun yang di prakarsai oleh Sun Microsystem mengeluarkan program yang mirip sekali dengan program Ms.Excel, yaitu Open Office dan Libre Office.

Didalam kedua program aplikasi tersebut terdapat program khusus untuk menghitung yaitu Ms.Excel dan Open Office Spreadsheet (Kalo gak salah kalo salah tolong diralat ya....xD, Nah tapi semua program ini memiliki cara menghitung yang sama, yaitu memiliki fungsi hitung SUM,MIN,MAX,Average ... dll. Tapi yang disini akan saya bahas bagaimana cara menggunakan fungsi logika "IF".

Fungsi logika IF biasanya kita gunakan dalam membuat sebuah perhitungan-perhitungan khusus. Berikut Logika rumus IF


Contoh Kasus perhatikan gambar berikut ini :

Mari kita jabarkan :

Jika NILAI RATA-RATA kurang dari atau sama dengan 60 maka keterangannya GAGAL
Jika NILAI RATA-RATA lebih dari atau sama dengan 60 maka keterangannya LULUS


Disitu terlihat bahwa yang berperan sebagai cell acuan adalah kolom "RATA-RATA", Sebelum saya jelaskan sedikit apa itu cell acuan. Cell acuan adalah cell kolom yang menjadi sumber utama dari soal yang letak posisi nya sejajar dengan cell kolom logika yang akan kita hitung.

=IF( ---> Jika
F7 ---> NILAI RATA-RATA ---> Cell acuan
<60 ---> kurang dari atau sama dengan 60 ---> Logika test
, ---> maka (Note = , atau ; berdasarkan dari setting komputer/laptop yang kita gunakan.
"GAGAL" ---> Expresi 1
,"LULUS" ---> Expresi 2 atau Expresi terakhir

=IF(F7<60,"GAGAL" ---> value if true
"LULUS") ---> value if false <-- tidak perlu menggunakan IF untuk di akhir

To be continued ...

11 April, 2012

Memasang Tag Clauds Cumulus di Blogger

Hallo para netter apakabar, kali ini saya coba posting mungkin bukan hal yang baru bagi anda, tapi bagi saya adalah sebagai hal yang baru, dan saya ingin anda juga bisa.

Oke cukup untuk basa-basinya, sesuai dengan judulnya cara memasang tag wp-cumulus milk Roy tank, Kalo kita memasang wp-cumulus di wordpress mungkin cukup mudah kita hanya perlu download dan setelah itu install di plugin nya wordpress. Yang jadi masalah dan yang membuat saya penasaran adalah apakah wp-cumulus ini bisa di pasang kan di blogger atau .... ::confuse::, Mulailah saya melakukan petualangan kembali di lautan google, browsing sana sini, Klik sana sini, Sampe buka sana sini, tapi gak sampe buka yang "swasana dan swasini" ... kekekekekekkkkk :))

Akhirnya saya dapat satu blog yang menjelaskan bagaimana cara pasang plus hasilnya, terpasang dengan baik di blog miliknya[1]. Akhirnya saya coba dengan "tried n errors" semangatnya naruto eh semangat 45, dan taraaa akhirnya berhasil walaupun belum sesempurna aslinya.

Cara Pasang

1. Masuk ke Blogger lalu log in seperti biasa
2. Masuk pada dashboard pilih rancangan
3. Setelah klik tambah widget
4. Kemudian muncul beberapa opsi, pilih opsi HTML/JAVASCRIPT
5. Copas code ini

<'embed quality= "high" allowscriptaccess= "always" flashvars= "tcolor= 0x00aadc&mode= tags&distr= true&tspeed= 100&tagcloud= <tags>

<a href = ''target ='new'style= '14'color= '0x00cc00'hicolor= '0x11111ff'> Historical</a>

<a href = ''target ='new'style= '14'color= '0x00cc00'hicolor= '0x11111ff'> Download</a>

<a href = ''target ='new'style= '14'color= '0x00cc00'hicolor= '0x11111ff'> Hacking</a>

<a href = ''target ='new'style= '14'color= '0x00cc00'hicolor= '0x11111ff'> Programs</a>

<a href = ''target ='new'style= '14'color= '0x00cc00'hicolor= '0x11111ff'> Tutorial Download</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> Religius</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> All_Linux</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> Tips N Trick</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> Berita</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> Design</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> Internet Tips N Trick</a>

<a href = ''target= 'new'style= '14'color= '0xff0000'hicolor= '0x6600cc'> Virus</a>

</tags>" type= "application/x-shockwave-flash" src= "" id= "tagcloud" name="tagcloud" wmode= "transparent" height= "250" width= "180">

6. Rubah sesuai keinginan anda

ref : [1] thanks for tutorial

Arsip Blog